October 23, 2003
Salon.com Books | Big whoppers

Perhaps we could have a reporter ask George W. this question now that he is visiting with us for a while. Anyhoo - this is a review of Michael Moore’s new book “Dude Where is my Country?” What is the worst lie a president can tell? “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, […]

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October 21, 2003

...is a wonderful day. the sun has been shining and memories of the rainy, windy days that we have been experiencing have quickly faded away. But…here I sit, still writing and correcting my dissertation. I don’t want to be doing this, I want to be out somewhere lying on the grass, rolling around enjoying the […]

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October 7, 2003
Attack of the killer moth

The much feared and deadly Australian “Corrugated Ironback Moth”, having sensed it’s prey, quivers with anticipation and advances steadily.   Fortunately, we were able to nail it with some rust creator, and remove any spark of life. I think that I have been working far too long on my honours dissertation!

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September 28, 2003
The AFL Grand Final simulacrum

Jean Baudrillard would have us believe that we exist in a world in which we breathe an ether of floating images that no longer bear any relation at all to reality. In other words, our lives, and all around us is a simulation; the simulacrum. Signs have taken the place of the real and these […]

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September 23, 2003
Headline news from Sky News - DRUNK SOLDIER KILLS TIGER in Baghdad Zoo

It seems as if I am on a bit of animal rights bent this week, but this article has greater implications than just the stupidity of the soldier who went into the cage. The fact that American soldiers appear to be behaving in a manner that is other than exemplary is very unfortunate. If it […]

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September 22, 2003
The human cage

somebody be sure to clean the tray and change the food and water!  

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September 22, 2003
NEWS.com.au | Sheep starve on ship of shame (September 22, 2003)

What a tragic story this is and what a totally unacceptable event. Perhaps the holds of the ship would be a great place for the bureaucrats and politicians who have stuffed this up to spend some time (and don’t clean up the manure beforehand). I can’t help but feel saddened and angry about this. Sheep […]

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September 11, 2003
Innovation: Computers Learn New ABCs

By Michael Erard Innovation September 2003 For tens of millions of people around the world—from West Africa to Southeast Asia to the Middle East—the Internet’s not such a friendly place. That’s because many of the world’s writing systems still aren’t encoded in software, which means millions of people can’t write e-mail, build Web sites, or […]

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September 7, 2003
“Nothing Matters”

That is the slogan that is emblazoned on the back of a person’s bus/home - “Nothing Matters”. The statement is a negation of itself. Saying that ‘nothing’ matters is a clear indication that ‘something’ matters, and that ‘something’ is ‘nothing’. ‘Nothing’ matters. That is what matters.

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September 7, 2003
Go the Mighty Magpies!!

Sucked in Brisbane Lions!! I usually try hard to contain my emotions when it comes to football and Collingwood. But stuff it - last nights win was too good. Go the Pies!

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September 1, 2003
Reinventing the Transistor

Hmm…computers whose functions rest on the working of molecules. If these guys get their act together, Moore’s Law will be left biting the dust and Moravec’s dream may come true. A circuit with 10 billion switches could eventually fit on a grain of salt; that’s a thousand times the density of the transistors in today’s […]

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August 31, 2003
NEWS.com.au | Wife kills husband in testicle attack (August 29, 2003)

Ouch! My eyes watered reading this article, and definitely not from laughter. However, as sad as the story really is, I did have a wry smile at the dead husbands name. A WOMAN in Cambodia has given herself up to authorities after accidentally killing her husband in a scuffle in which she squeezed his testicles […]

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August 29, 2003
Wired News: Machine Thinks, Therefore It Is

Here we go again, thinking machines or, machines that are programmed to think like people. Which is it to be? I feel that it is arrogant of us to assume that if we actually can develop a machine that thinks, that it will think just like us. Nevertheless, research goes on; Forsythe’s team was originally […]

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August 28, 2003
Fast Company | 5 Technologies That Will Change the World

Whoa. A ThermoJet printer that produces 3-D wax models of car parts and body designs,  servers that fall victim to viruses - on purpose, computers that can cope with problems, a new model power network that looks more like the Internet and an intelligent (?) dressing room. Too cool - read article here

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August 22, 2003

This is very, very cool. Or am I just going stir crazy working on my thesis?? How come I come across this nifty cartoon creating site when I don’t have any time to play with it?? http://www.stripcreator.com/

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August 22, 2003
World Organization of Webmasters: Iron Chef of Web Design: Seybold 2003

This look as if it could be a spot of fun… The Iron Chef of Web Design event will occur live during the Seybold conference, giving attendees a first-hand look at what it really takes to make a great Web site, and fast! The competition will be a head-to-head format with each team competing against […]

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August 17, 2003
No Kangaroos in the Main Street Huh??

About 30 minutes ago these two kangaroos plus a joey in the pouch, were calmly eating and resting at our back fence. And we try to tell visitors from overseas that we don’t have kangaroos hopping down the streets!!

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July 21, 2003
Economist.com | MONITOR

Screens that are brighter, clearer and perhaps cheaper than LCD’s? Seems as if it could be possible shortly. DESPITE all the technical advances over the years, the screens on laptop computers, mobile phones and other handheld devices are still pale imitations of the world they seek to portray. Worse, most consume far too much power, […]

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