Somebody once said that you learn something new every day, and today I learned that Viet Nam is producing some first class chocolate, first class that is if you enjoy proper dark chocolate that doesn't contain so much sugar that it becomes sickly sweet. It just so happens that I enjoy dark and slightly bitter chocolate and […]
I've never been overly keen on circuses, they've never been on the top of my priority list as entertainment. I don't particularly like animal acts because there is always the thought in my mind that cruelty has been involved in the training process somewhere and anyway, isn't it demeaning to parade around a bear dressed […]
Just last week, Tous les Jours, a Korean based French pastry chain opened a new outlet just a few hundred metres from our house. This is very dangerous to a healthy lifestyle and trim waistline, but very handy for a quick treat also.
The rooftop garden on our house in the middle of Sai Gon city may not be large, but it never fails to intrigue and relax me. When the weather is not too hot, it's my place to go and get away from this computer.
This is on Le Loi near the corner of Pasteur Sts in downtown Sia Gon yesterday at 4pm after a deluge inundated the city. Fortunately these types of flash flooding usually dissipate soon after the rain stops.
I just downloaded a new camera app to my mobile phone which has some really neat effects. The app. is called "Paper Camera" and I think I'm going to have some fun with it so stay tuned for more image uploads.