January 2, 2003
Taking Ideas Seriously

Can we distinguish political choices from philosophical truths? Seyla Benhabib discusses this and more in this review of “Heidegger's Children: Hannah Arendt, Karl L?with, Hans Jonas, and Herbert Marcuse” by Richard Wolin. Benhabib comments; “Too often these days we reduce philosophy to confession and intimacy to kitsch precisely because we live without a sense of […]

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January 2, 2003
Interested to know what type of American books were published 1999-2001?

Over the three year period, fiction is the most published category with a total of 42,856 books published, an close on its heels is the dual category of Sociology/Economics at 42,299 publications. This is American book publication only, I wonder if the averages are simliar worldwide. americanbookproduction

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January 1, 2003
Using in-room chat as a social tool

Clay Shirky reports that recent use of chat room technology in a meeting situation changed the interrupt logic that normally occurs when 30 or so people are involved similtaneously. Shirky reports that; “Group conversations are exercises in managing interruptions. When someone is speaking, the listeners are often balancing the pressure to be polite with a […]

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December 30, 2002
Yoga Trumps Bingo as Centers for Aged Try New Approach

“Fredericka Mabon did not really want to have bingo at the Lenox Hill Senior Center at St. Peter’s Church in Manhattan. No knock on bingo, but elderly people hunched over bingo cards brought to her mind an uninviting image of old age. The game fed a stubborn stereotype of senior centers.” The article goes on […]

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December 28, 2002

a shared space for discussion of blog-related research http://www.it.rit.edu/~ell/blogresearch/

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December 28, 2002
Boxes and Arrows: What Is A Controlled Vocabulary?

Interesting and relevant article. As a species we find it all too difficult to communicate effectively between one another, and this dilemma is particularly relevant when it comes to communicating via electronic media. It is difficult if not impossible to convey to our ‘listener’ what our underlying feelings concerning that which we are writing about. […]

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December 19, 2002
Configure this!

I discovered a long time ago that if you want to learn something, the best way to go about it is teach it to somebody else. If teaching it is not an option, then the next best way is to simply pull things apart and put them back together again. This sometimes causes an amount […]

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December 10, 2002
Howard Rheingold on Smart Mobs - Blogs & the Blogosphere - and their impact on Big Media

Reed’s law shows that technological networks that support the formation of social networks make for a value that not only increases dramatically, but which shifts the importance of the kind of “content” the network favors. Digital, ubiquitous, broadband, many-to-many media from netcafes to handheld devices shifts importance from publication—the broadcast model that the motion picture […]

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December 8, 2002
royby.com under review.

A weblog about weblogging is reviewed by Keith Morris. Keith maintains his own weblog site at http://www.giparty.org and conducts reviews for both Bloggy Opinions and Blog Critics. You can read Keith’s review in ‘more’. http://www.blogcritics.org/ http://www.bloggyopinions.com/main.html

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December 7, 2002
Invasion of the ‘Blog’: A Parallel Web of Personal Journals - NYT - Dec 28th 2000

The concept is simple enough. Create a Web page. Update it regularly with brief personal reflections or witty commentary, sprinkled with links to other pages. Put new entries at the top of the page, pushing older ones down. Voil?, you’ve got yourself a Web log. That may not sound like the recipe for a social […]

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December 7, 2002
Picture Pages - Web sites for people who hate to read. By David F.?Gallagher

How is a photolog different from a plain old Web page? Many people who have digital cameras find themselves churning out a constant stream of images because it is fun, easy, and cheap to do. Photologs are built to handle that stream, with the newest photos right up front and older ones receding into the […]

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December 7, 2002
A Rift Among Bloggers - New York Times - June 10th 2002

This time it is happening to Weblogs. Five years ago a few programmers pioneered this form of hyperlinked online journal, posting their thoughts on technology matters and personal musings. Later they built Weblog publishing tools for nontechies, and a vast spectrum of Weblogs ? blogs for short ? quietly bloomed. http://www.nytimes.com/

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December 7, 2002


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December 7, 2002
Microcontent News, a Corante weblog


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December 7, 2002
O’Reilly Network: What We’re Doing When We Blog [Jun. 13, 2002]

Every day it seems another article about weblogs appears in the press. At first, most of these stories seemed content to cover the personal nature of blogging. But more and more I’m seeing articles that attempt to examine the journalistic and punditry aspects of weblogs prominent in many of the so-called “warblogs,” or sites that […]

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December 7, 2002
O’Reilly Network: My Blog, My Outboard Brain [May. 31, 2002]

I consume, digest, and excrete information for a living. Whether I’m writing science fiction, editorials, columns, or tech books, whether I’m speaking from a podium or yammering down the phone at some poor reporter, my success depends on my ability to cite and connect disparate factoids at just the right moment. http://www.oreillynet.com/

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December 7, 2002
Shirky: Weblogs and Publishing

A lot of people in the weblog world are asking “How can we make money doing this?” The answer is that most of us can’t. Weblogs are not a new kind of publishing that requires a new system of financial reward. Instead, weblogs mark a radical break. They are such an efficient tool for distributing […]

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December 7, 2002
Photoblogs.org - The Photoblog Resource

An extremely good resource if you are eager to either view other persons photographs or get some ideas for how you might implement a photoblog for yourself. http://www.photoblogs.org/

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