February 14, 2003
OZeCulture 2003 - The national conference about culture, new media and eBusiness

“Culture With Byte” - very catchy The third annual OZeCulture conference of culture, new media and ebusiness, OZeCulture 2003: culture with byte!, will take place in Brisbane at the Brisbane Powerhouse from 29 - 31 July 2003. It will feature Australian and international speakers on a broad range of topics related to the creation of […]

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February 12, 2003
Australian IT - Science stitches up cyber-power (Simon King , FEBRUARY 11, 2003)

It’s almost beyond the realms of imagination - a computer plugged into an item of clothing for power. Scientists attending a recent three-day conference at Wollongong University on breakthroughs in intelligent polymers, say such a development is only a matter of time. Go to ‘more’ for the full article…. or… go to article itself  

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February 12, 2003
Currently Reading - Leading Quietly - Joseph Badaracco

Having read and enjoyed “Defining Moments” by the same author last year I am looking forward to reading Badaracco’s latest offering, “Leading Quietly” which I borrowed from Griffith Uni library yesterday. I also re-borrowed “Defining Moments” as well as “Leadership and the Quest for Integrity”, a book that Badaracco co-authored with Richard Ellsworth that was […]

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February 12, 2003
arts news uk, reviews, The Telegraph - Hitler’s youth

Controversy is raging in Berlin over a film that portrays Hitler’s days as a young, struggling artist. Its stars and director defend it to Peter Culshaw. John Cusack plays Max Rothman, a Jewish art-dealer who once wanted to be a painter but lost an arm in the war and now runs an avant-garde gallery. He […]

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February 11, 2003
Australian IT - Students shun IT courses (Diana Thorp, FEBRUARY 11, 2003)

STUDENT demand to take up IT degrees this year has dropped as much as 30 per cent at some universities, causing alarm that the IT downturn has scared ambitious school leavers away. In December initial applications to study IT at undergraduate level in 2003 were down, and falling interest led some universities to lower entry […]

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February 10, 2003
The Theory and Practice of the Internet

Michael Rogers of Newsweek Online reviews three books which he believes ask, “Is there a comprehensive theory of the Web? And if so, does it do us any good?” The three books under review are ?Linked: The New Science of Networks,? by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, (a book that I am still half way through reading and […]

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February 10, 2003
The Guardian | Students cash in on ‘human billboards’ plan

This article brings a whole new meaning to the term “using your head”. With the amount of bare skin about to be on display at Griffith University’s Gold Coast campus, when the new batch of first year students begin vying for attention, the mind boggles at the entrepreneurial possibilities that will be available. I guess […]

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February 9, 2003
South Australia’s StreetWise Hot Zone

Adelaide, a city of approx. 1 million persons situated on the central southern coast of Australia is set to become fully 802.11 wired. Adelaide…. is now home to one of the boldest experiments yet in the deployment of Wi-Fi hot zones (a hotspot providing a “cloud” of coverage in a selected area or neighborhood). StreetWise, […]

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February 9, 2003
Imagination at Work!

This is an innovative Flash tool. Go here to see my imagination at work

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February 2, 2003
‘Hot air, cash woes even in boiler room’ - timesunion.com

The Capitol and Empire State Plaza complex in Albany, New York, which includes the offices of the governor, requires 65,000 gallons of oil to heat on the coldest days of the year. The gargantuan heating system employs 212 people. The behemoths guzzled about 65,000 gallons of oil on Tuesday. Ten oil trucks from the Port […]

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January 29, 2003
Blogging Network > How to Get Started

blogging network claims to be the place on the Internet where you can publish, be read, and get paid—right now! Reportedly Blogging Network gives you: Your own blog (short for weblog): everything you need, including state-of-the-art technology Complete freedom: write what you want, when you want Immediate readers: via an automatic listing in the Network […]

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January 29, 2003
Boxes and Arrows: HTML’s Time is Over. Let’s Move On.

?Ultimately, I don’t see a long term future for HTML as an application development solution. It is a misapplied tool that was never meant to be used for anything other than distributed publishing.? go to article here  

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January 29, 2003
Payphones: The Next Hotspot Wave?

but.. will super-heroes still have a place to change clothes? Payphones: The Next Hotspot Wave? BY ED SUTHERLAND | January 28, 2003 Remember payphones? Once a vital link for people away from the home or office, payphones now languish in the shadows of cell phone users, collecting dust and graffiti. But in one of those […]

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January 29, 2003
Man, machine, art, cyborg

If man is becoming ever more fused to machine, The Soul of a New Machine Once a speculative idea, the cyborg is now a familiar subject in the humanities By SCOTT McLEMEE Cyborgs are hacking into the intellectual mainframe. They have taken over cultural studies, established a colony in the English department, and—wet circuits glistening—started […]

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January 29, 2003
creativepro.com - Bit by Bit: Pirate Software and Educational Ethics

Today’s graphic design student faces a mountain of education-related costs—tuition, room and board, supplies, and computers—so it’s tempting to look the other way when students copy software. But when confronted with evidence of pirated software, instructor Brian P. Lawler decided to exercise his ethical principles and teach his students a lesson. Obviously Brian has forgotten […]

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January 26, 2003
MXDU Conference

MX Down Under - a Macromedia developer’s conference in Sydney, 19-20 Feb 2003. According to the site there will be all the MX you can eat. “Do you know all there is to know about Macromedia MX technology? We have the people who do! It’s finally here, a developers conference for Macromedia MX in the […]

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January 26, 2003
Australia Day

Today is Australia Day and it is worthy of comment in my humble opinion. The following exert is but a mild version of feelings that run passionate and deep about this day. Please read more….

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January 23, 2003
Newsday.com - Fast Food Before Art in Parks

Ah yes - where have I heard all of this before? By William Murphy STAFF WRITER January 22, 2003 Even as he was pushing plans for a fast-food restaurant on city parkland, the parks commissioner was lobbying to restrict artists seeking to sell their works on public land. Commissioner Adrian Benepe said in a letter […]

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