July 18, 2003
Socially aware of not so subtle differences

During my recent trip to Vietnam I was warned that pickpockets and thieves abound and that care needed to be taken with valuables when walking around the city. Evidentially, scooter mounted thieves can lift your bag as quick as look at you and take off into the middle distance before you have time to blink. […]

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July 17, 2003
NEWS.com.au | Masturbation ‘may prevent cancer’ (July 16, 2003)

I just knew some good would come out of it! WHO cares if you go blind? An Australian study has found that frequent masturbation may protect men against prostate cancer in later life. The study indicated that men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer. […]

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July 14, 2003
The internet is shit

Hmm… well… I can think of some better reasons why the Internet is shit, but could I be bothered vocalising them? Is this site simply taking the piss, or is it actually involved in a type of dubious reverse psychology? However, there are a few good points, but nothing that I haven’t considered myself or […]

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July 7, 2003
First attempt to post an entry via e-mail

This is my first attempt at posting to my blog via e-mail

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July 5, 2003
HCMC - an architectural dichotomy

For somebody like myself who has a fetish for viewing and photographing buildings, HCMC offers a smorgasbord of architectural delights ranging from the extremely modern to the very ancient and well preserved or the decrepit, new or old, as the case may be. I have had a play with the image below and I will […]

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June 30, 2003
Vietnam re-visited

A very quick entry from the Internet cafe in the Rex Hotel - Ho Chi Minh City (because I’m not sure how much this is costing me. Actually, it is 1000 dong per minute which is about 10 cents Australian). Vietnam is spectacular. The people are friendly and the food is cheap and delicious. A […]

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June 20, 2003
on the road again

Sunday, I am off to Sydney for a few days and then off to Vietnam for a week. So my sporadic attempts at blogging will become even more so. I know I can access a computer in Sydney and likewise in Vietnam. But I am more interested in living the moment than in reflecting upon […]

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June 20, 2003
on the road again

Sunday, I am off to Sydney for a few days and then off to Vietnam for a week. So my sporadic attempts at blogging will become even more so. I know I can access a computer in Sydney and likewise in Vietnam. But I am more interested in living the moment than in reflecting upon […]

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June 13, 2003
So.. what is culture

As a student of philosophy and contemporary cultural theory I was impressed to come across this definition of culture from a lecture presented in 1977 by Daniel Bell. Similar words have been spoken many times in many different ways by many different persons, but this passage struck me as being very succinct. All the better […]

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June 13, 2003
ISRAELI helicopters killed seven Palestinians - NEWS.com.au (June 13, 2003)

ISRAELI helicopters killed seven Palestinians - I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make light of this tragic event, nor am I taking sides on this issue, but this headline presents me with a mental image of a cartoon-like helicopter, cigar protruding from one side of its smiling mouth, tattooed muscle bound arms beating to death […]

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June 11, 2003
Quote from Bhabha

I found this quote from Homi Bhabha in Elspeth Probyn’s book Outside Belongings. To me it is analogous of the migratory, nomadic weblogger, writing alone and yet desiring to be a part of a greater community; the experience of migration?[which] in the nation of others, becomes a time of gathering?gatherings in the ghettos or caf?s […]

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June 10, 2003
International RYLA - Brisbane 2003

  What a wonderful idea, first you invite 80 or so RYLArians from many countries and many diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to Brisbane and house them in the Margate Convention Centre for 4 days. Then you blend counselors/facilitators, trainers, Rotarians, from all over the world into the mix. You ask the RYLArians to explore […]

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June 4, 2003
Best event - Rotary International Convention - Brisbane

The best event that I witnessed at the convention was the presentation of the charters by RI President Bhichai Rattakul to the new clubs of Dili, East Timor and Kabul, Afghanistan. What was very significant is that the charter President of the Rotary Club of Kabul is a woman by the name of Karima Farani. […]

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June 4, 2003
Best quote heard at the Rotary International Conference

The best quote that I heard at the second plenary session of the Rotary Intenational Conference in Brisbane last Monday was from Anand Panyarachun, former Prime Minister of Thailand. In his address on Conflict Resolution Mr Panyarachun spoke of the need to forgive. He commented that reprisals against evil acts lead to still more reprisals […]

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May 27, 2003
RYLA International Conference

Well.. off to Brisbane tonight until Sunday as a counsellor/facilitator at the RYLA International Conference. RYLA is about leadership training for people between the ages of 18 - 25 or thereabouts and we will have approx. 100 young people from all over the globe arriving on Thursday for this live-in seminar. I’m particularly interested in […]

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May 21, 2003
Melbourne DAC

Due to commitments and time restraints I couldn’t make it to Melbourne DAC. However, due the excellent live-blog being updated by Adrian, Jill, Deena and Torill I have an idea of the presentations and the atmosphere, so thanks heaps guys. Given that today’s event at DAC is a bus tour of the wineries in the […]

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May 18, 2003
Will Isidore Be Patron Saint of the Internet? Pope John Paul Will Decide - Christianity Today Magazi

Finally, the recognition that cyber-culture has been lacking. How fortunate we will all be. I’m sorry for the touch of irony to my writing but really, does this mean an icon of the saint in every computer lab? Will Isidore Be Patron Saint of the Internet? Pope John Paul Will Decide. Announcement will likely coincide […]

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May 14, 2003
Subjective reflection?

We observe others and make value based observations because primarily, the judgements we make of others are based upon existing value systems we have accumulated through learned experience.

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