December 24, 2003
things I will miss

Komninos came over and had dinner with us last night. He had made a delicious salad and he also brought over some prawns that he had butterflied. I cooked them quickly on a very hot BBQ hotplate so that we could eat the crispy shells. We ate a variety of cheeses, olives, crisp breads, sun-dried […]

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December 19, 2003
a trip away

Today we must buy our tickets for our flight to Vietnam, mainly because Amber is leaving work today and she will need to process the whole thing. I sent the visa applications off to the Vietnam embassy at the start of the week, along with our passports and copies of our contracts with RMIT Vietnam. […]

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December 17, 2003
triple refraction

Eve, Svenja and Sarah are currently exhibiting their honours art installations in the main gallery at Metro Arts in Brisbane. We travelled up there last night for the opening, and of course for the after exhibition party at the Victory Hotel next door. I was keen on seeing these three pieces of work because, to […]

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December 15, 2003
new category

Because we are moving to Vietnam next month, and because I hope to keep a comprehensive account of our lives there, I have inserted a new category called, strangely enough, “Vietnam”.

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December 8, 2003
well….it’s done

We have just faxed our acceptances of the offers of employment back to RMIT Vietnam, our flight is booked for late January, and the refrain from the sixties song “I’m Leaving On a Jet Plane” keeps playing inside my head. However, our bags are not quite packed and we are nowhere near ready to go. […]

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December 8, 2003
mixed feelings

I have to admit to having mixed feelings about my just completed honours year. It has left me with an empty, unfulfilled sort of feeling which is difficult to work out in my own head, let alone put into words.  That is not to say that I did not enjoy the process, (and a process […]

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December 1, 2003
clearing out the flotsam and jetsam

Over the weekend we held a garage sale to clear some of the useless clutter out of our lives. Items that we had not used for years were carted downstairs and thoughtfully arranged to tempt the avid buyers. The advertised starting time was 7.00am with the first prospective customer arriving at 5.30am. The stream of […]

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November 25, 2003
eternal recurrence

The first Gladioli blooms are emerging, and with them the late Spring storms have returned. The eternal cycle goes on.

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November 10, 2003
Comment spam

Comment spam from a home improvement business in Massachussetts who are selling an item to help seal attic stairways and fireplaces. Fat lot of good that will do for me in sunny Queensland, Australia. Please don’t do any business with Batticdoor if you are in their area

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November 9, 2003
Wholemovement - The Work of Bradford Hansen-Smith

I just love this, the most amazing forms created from 9 inch paper plates. Now that I have some time, (well… I will after I catch up on the myriad number of things that I have neglected over the past 8 months), I’m straight down to “ye olde paper plate shoppe” and and try this […]

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November 5, 2003
Technology Review: Paired Molecules Store Data

So…does this mean that if we grow a bit of fungus on some stale porridge and transmit light to it at just the right nanometerage, that we will be able to communicate with it? Wow! Smokin’ the right shit man! Technology Research News November 3, 2003 As computer storage devices cram more information into ever […]

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October 31, 2003
Australian IT - Man charged over anti-war email (, OCTOBER 31, 2003)

I’m hoping that there is more to this than is being reported. If it happened as it is written, then I find the situation sad and scary at the same time… An Auckland peace activist who sent an email to the US Embassy objecting to the war on Iraq has been charged with misuse of […]

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October 31, 2003
Creature of the night…

...lurking on the bathroom wall under the towel. Surprise Surprise!  

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October 29, 2003
May I have this dance?

Inextricably entwined.  

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October 29, 2003
Paper Wasps

They sting, but they make great nests. Geometrically perfect.  

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October 29, 2003

...the weather is foul. Massive dust storms obscure the mountains that I can usually see from my office window. A hot northerly is blowing. Like I said - foul! My dissertation is finished, just needs printing out, (4 copies), and binding, (3 copies, 1 unbound for the library). I’ve booked into the psychiatric ward.

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October 25, 2003 | Sheep leave ‘ship of death’ (October 25, 2003)

This has to be called a “win - win” situation, but one that has taken far too long to implement. The whole live sheep export industry needs to undergo some sort of review process to ensure that this can never happen again. Sheep leave ‘ship of death’ By Patricia Karvelas and Belinda Hickman October 25, […]

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October 24, 2003
More wildlife at the back fence.

We have recently had a small family of kangaroos living on the fairway (golf course) at the back of our house, which is pretty nifty considering that we are in the middle of a densely populated area. However, to have a koala running around at the back fence is quite extraordinary I think. The little […]

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