January 11, 2005
Paranoia in Aceh

It seems as though the Islamic Defender’s Front is afraid of something, but where the fear stems from is not clear . Sad to think that in the midst of an humanitarian effort such as this, differences in religious viewpoints cannot be put to one side. One would hope that drinking of alcohol by Australian […]

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January 9, 2005
fuelling the fires…

Last night I stupidly let the Vespa run out of fuel. We had been to dinner with colleagues and stayed talking at the restaurant until quite late. When we finally headed for home the streets had begun to take on that slightly eerie deserted look and at every intersection the lights were flashing amber. This […]

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January 8, 2005
from David via Webartery

Hebrew poem from 13th Century Spain - ‘If fear is a rock I am a hammer. If sorrow is a flame I am a sea. As the night darkens the moon grows brighter. As haters attack me my mind increases.’

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January 7, 2005
a slight delay…

Hmm… seems that I was a bit premature in saying that we would be moving into our new campus at the end of February. Due to electrical and mechanical problems we won’t be moving until the end of March. However, we won’t have our office at 5NGT after 31 January. That means I will be […]

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January 7, 2005
Browse Happy - Online. Worry-free.

Browse Happy is a site devoted to the comparison of Internet browsers, or to put it more bluntly, it is devoted to explaining why we should not be using Internet Explorer as our browser of choice. Until the recent release of Firefox I was using Opera as my main browser. I stress the word “main” […]

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January 6, 2005
right now…

...I’m busy marking my students final assignment projects and this afternoon I will take the last class for the semester.  Next week the students begin their exams and after marking them we move out of our office at Nguyen Gia Thieu. For a while I will be homeless until the new South Saigon campus is […]

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January 5, 2005
unconditional love

Why is it that as children we demand and expect unconditional love from our parents and are hurt and seemingly scarred for life if we perceive that we haven’t received it, and yet often we do not consider that our parents deserve the same sort of love?

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January 5, 2005
This from Rotarian Mohanakannan in India

Dear Rotarians, Wishing you a new year with beautiful moments, treasured memories, and all the happiness your heart can hold. Happy New Year! Chennai and other districts in our Tamil Nadu State, India had suffered from the Tsunami waves killing thousands in a flash and rendered 100 thousands homeless last week. I take this opportunity […]

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January 5, 2005
Tsunami relief effort

This is from Gehan from Sri Lanka whom I met through the International RYLA convention in Brisbane last year. I got it via betseybee Dear RYLArians, As you must all be aware, Sri Lanka was very badly affected with over 5000 people dead (Still rising) and over 1 million people affected by Sunday’s un-expected Tsunami’s […]

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December 27, 2004
A Beggars Banquet

There are a lot of beggars in and around Siem Reap and many of those are missing limbs, have been blinded or have other significant injuries as a result of incidents with land mines. Some mine victims prefer to play music rather than simply beg for a living and there are others who have small […]

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December 27, 2004
Christmas in Cambodia…

...sung to the tune of the old Skyhooks number “Jukebox in Siberia”. If you haven’t been to Angkor, you should make the effort to get there. More on this later when I have the time to process all of the images and my thoughts.

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December 22, 2004
A frustrating day…

Yesterday I was involved in trying to arrange a visa to Australia for the mother of a 13 year old boy (Giang) who has suffered burns to 90% of his body. Giang has been provided with a chance of a better life through remedial orthopaedic surgery in Australia because of an organisation known as ROMAC […]

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December 20, 2004
Right now in class…

The discussion in COSC2291 Web Construction today is how can the students use the new skills that they have learnt while undertaking this course? How can they get themselves published on the Web? A free blogging service is just one of the alternatives that we are looking at and each student opened an acount at […]

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December 20, 2004
Dioxin compensation for Vietnam veterans still costing billions

With this amount of money already being paid out to US Viet Nam veterans and the accompanying admission of liability you would tend to think that the action currently being undertaken by Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange would have a foregone conclusion. But will it? The question remains and now the hearing to see whether […]

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December 19, 2004
It’s Christmas

Last night a group of us celebrated Christmas with the buffet dinner at the Saigon Sheraton. Normally Lisa & I don’t eat out at 5 star hotels but every so often it doesn’t hurt to go on a splurge and feel spoiled. Clicking on the thumbnail will bring up a slide show of four images.

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December 17, 2004
Graduation Day

Here I am with some of the first students I taught at RMIT Viet Nam from the February 2004 semester of the University Preparation Program. They graduated from that program today and are now involved in the degree program.  

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December 17, 2004
A horny sign…

This sign hangs out front of a noodle restaurant in fashionable Dong Khoi St in downtown Saigon. I wonder who determines what is “delicious” and what is not?  

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December 17, 2004
This morning…

...it’s actually cool. I don’t mean it’s cool in the sense of everything being just right with the world. I mean that the temperature is “cool”. We were just sitting drinking coffee out on our rooftop garden and I shivered when a coolish breeze drifted over me. Wow, what a great sensation, I’d nearly forgotten […]

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