I’m very humbled to be told that I’ve been nominated for the Australian Alumni Friendship Award presented by the Vietnam Graduates from Australia Club and the Australian Consulate-General Vietnam.
This award seeks to recognize an Australian citizen who has made a significant contribution to the relationship between Vietnam and Australia and/or to the development of Vietnam in any field. It can be an Australian or Australian-Vietnamese who works in any profession.
What is staggering to me is the calibre of the nominees amongst whom I find myself. I mean realistically, how can I compare to the likes of Sister Trish Franklin who coordinates the Loreto Program in Viet Nam. Trish has devoted her life to the well being and teaching of literally thousands of homeless children. Trish gets my vote, but each one of the other nominees is equally deserving.
As I said, I feel humbled and more than a little embarrassed, but very chuffed all the same that someone saw fit to nominate me.
You can find out more about the awards here and view the details of nominees and vote online at http://www.vgac.net/vote/poll.php