August 8, 2012
an endangered species in my fridge

Thanks to my wonderful family in Australia, I now have Darrell Lea dark chocolate coated liquorice in my fridge (the one with the padlock!!). Darrell Lea's are [sob] in receivership, so I'll be enjoying this endangered species while I can. Posted from WordPress for Android

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August 4, 2012
Dinner at home

Evernote Posted from WordPress for Android

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July 17, 2012
yet another disturbing event

About 30 minutes ago I was walking back from eating lunch at Now Zone on Nguyen Van Cu St and was on the pavement verging the Nga sau Cong hoa roundabout midway between Ng. Van Cu and Pham Viet Chanh outside the German beer restaurant. This roundabout is the confluence of Ng. Thi Minh Khai, […]

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February 29, 2012
last week in Buon Ma Thuot

As I mentioned in the previous post below, last week I travelled up to Buon Ma Thuot in the Central Highlands for a week helping young children with their English. Although the trip itself (9.5 hours by bus), and the actual teaching were very tiring, it was certainly worthwhile and a lot of fun. I'll […]

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February 23, 2012
best part of the day in Buon Ma Thuot

​So here it is, lunch time on the third day of teaching in Buon Ma Thuot and I got to thinking about what time of the day I enjoy the most here. I certainly enjoy the mornings arising at 5am to switch on the electric jug to prepare hot water for my wake up coffee […]

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February 5, 2012
the ingrediants…

...for a very happy Tet!  

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January 13, 2012
books… e-readers just don’t compare
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January 8, 2012
hooray… no facebook again

So it seems as if FaceBook is not accessible again, at least it hasn't been for me over the past few days. There has been much debate whether FB has been blocked here officially or not in the past, and to me it doesn't really matter one way or the other. Actually, if I can't […]

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January 6, 2012
my little elephant… again
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January 6, 2012
skin on her thoughts

"Language is the skin on my thoughts" - Arundhati Roy

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January 5, 2012
of some consolation

At least I had an attractive table decoration to admire while my cappuccino got cold (previous article).

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January 5, 2012
miss understandings

Me: "I'll have the smoked beef and cheddar baguette with salad and a cappuccino please. But can you bring the cappuccino after you bring the baguette, not before?" Waiter: "You want a tall latte?" Me: "No, I want a cappuccino, but don't bring it right now, bring it later." Waiter: "OK, you want a tall […]

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January 4, 2012
finally, an elephant to call my own
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January 4, 2012
xoi ga

To the uninitiated this may not look all that appetising, however, this is one of my favourite things to eat. It's xoi ga, or sticky rice and chicken. In this version the chicken is mixed with mushroom, tiny shrimps and a quail egg and encased in the sticky rice which in turn is wrapped in […]

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January 4, 2012

My work?space. Work on one screen, live test cricket on the other. Bliss!

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January 4, 2012
kumquat tea

On a warm day a hot cup of kumquat tea is very refreshing.  

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January 4, 2012
my favourite Japanese author

I just finished reading Murakami's "1Q84", a marathon read and excellent. Typically zany Murakami.  

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January 4, 2012
camera zoom


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