chocolat de vietnam

Somebody once said that you learn something new every day, and today I learned that Viet Nam is producing some first class chocolate, first class that is if you enjoy proper dark chocolate that doesn't contain so much sugar that it becomes sickly sweet. It just so happens that I enjoy dark and slightly bitter chocolate and […]

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wall painting

wall painting in L'Usine on Le Loi St appeals to me…

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late afternoon storm clouds...

…taken from my rooftop, D3 Sai Gon…

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cool new home

This is the air con in my home office and it seems as though it's found new tenants. The sparrows have found a way in from the outside and are setting up shop so to speak. I couldn't work out a few days ago why their tweeting and fluttering about sounded so close, but a […]

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a truer Truth

Occasionally, I glimpse a truer Truth.

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circus gala

I've never been overly keen on circuses, they've never been on the top of my priority list as entertainment. I don't particularly like animal acts because there is always the thought in my mind that cruelty has been involved in the training process somewhere and anyway, isn't it demeaning to parade around a bear dressed […]

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Charlie and Teddy

just keeping each other company... Posted from WordPress for Android

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design course text

Design is conceiving and giving form to artifacts that solve problems. A line from the text book, "Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society" which I'm sure sums up the course topic perfectly. Now it's a matter of picking that sentence apart and putting it into practice. One great thing about being in Viet Nam is […]

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free university course #2

As reported in my last post, I've enrolled in a free university course through Coursera beginning next January. However, being the impatient type of person I am, I decided to see if any courses beginning this month were of interest. From the ones commencing within the next few weeks, both Lan and I have chosen "Design: Creation of Artifacts in […]

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free university course

I've just signed up for a course from the University of Virginia in the US that's facilitated and conducted online by a social entrepreneurship company that partners with the top universities in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. The company is called Coursera and their aim is to create a future where the top universities are […]

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explore a Google data center

  I guess I've never given any thought before this to just how big Google really is, I don't mean as an online presence but rather the physical size of their buildings set up to store data and handle  traffic from the myriad  Google apps. But Google have now made it possible to explore a […]

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Hotel International Phnom Penh

On a recent visit to Cambodia I spotted the old Hotel International Phnom Penh from my own hotel's balcony. Obviously this old girl has seen much better days and must have been an elegant hotel in its heyday. Sadly though, I couldn't locate any old photos of the Hotel International Phnom Penh in prime condition, […]

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new aggressive marketing method?

Could this be the newest trend in marketing children's clothing? An "up yours" sort of attitude? "If you don't like our gear well too bad, up yours!" Recently seen in Parkson District 1

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happy birthday Mimi

I hope you're having a great day.

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rooftop forest

weird creatures roam our rooftop forest...  

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a new intake of carbohydrates

Just last week, Tous les Jours, a Korean based French pastry chain opened a new outlet just a few hundred metres from our house. This is very dangerous to a healthy lifestyle and trim waistline, but very handy for a quick treat also.

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brightly painted gates...

These brightly painted gates caught my eye on a recent visit to Go Vap district.

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rooftop garden

The rooftop garden on our house in the middle of Sai Gon city may not be large, but it never fails to intrigue and relax me. When the weather is not too hot, it's my place to go and get away from this computer.

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