I’m sorry that the entries to this journal have not been as regular as I would have liked but we do not have our own computers as yet and Internet access has been very flukey at the cafe in the hotel, not to mention expensive. There are many adventures that I want to relate, but they may have to wait until next week when I have time/access etc.
However, we signed a lease on a house last night and we are moving in today. What excitement. Details and photos as that becomes possible.
Just to keep track of what has been happening, I will list below the topics about which I will write articles when we have sorted things out properly.
* Tet celebrations
* Vietnamese family orientation
* House hunting
* Avian flu
* Chickens in the main street
* Rats in the hotel courtyard
* The formalites of renting
* RMIT University - first impressions
* The University South Saigon site and unexploded ordinance
* Our first Uni social function - a multicultural wine tasting
* Shopping for linen and groceries
* The great baggage expedition
I hope that whets your appetites - I will have these stories on-line ASAP. There may be a chance that I will be at Uni tomorrow and get some of them written then. However, I am realising that making plans here is fraught with danger if you happen to be a person who cannot cope with change. One must go with the flow here.
Cheers - for now