double trouble

Published: November 19, 2005
Updated: November 19, 2005

There are a young couple who run a small (maybe a dozen plastic stools) pavement cafe serving soft drinks and selling cigarettes who we often stop and talk with if we happen to be going down Nguyen Thi Dieu St. Two of our favourite eateries are in this street and as it is close to our house we often walk there rather than hassling with the motorbike.


Probably the main reason that we began talking with this couple was that some months ago we spied their then very new twins and since then we haven’t been able to walk past without stopping and spending some time cuddling these two beautiful little babies.

Last night we went with Mimi to the wood fired pizza restaurant just opposite the couples cafe and the mother came over and left the two infants with us to spoil and cuddle and enjoy. It was a bit of a crowd stopper as all the staff and patrons wanted to goo and ga at these two little treasures. Even though my little guy eventually ended up letting go a small vomit onto my shoulder (possibly because I had allowed him to chew on my paper napkin), I wouldn’t miss these chances to be a pseudo granddad for the world.

If you want to see just how cute they are click on the thumbnail for a short pop-up slideshow!


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