Somebody once said that you learn something new every day, and today I learned that Viet Nam is producing some first class chocolate, first class that is if you enjoy proper dark chocolate that doesn't contain so much sugar that it becomes sickly sweet. It just so happens that I enjoy dark and slightly bitter chocolate and today I came across some chocolat de vietnam that makes my taste buds really happy.
This is a really high class product produced by Marou, just take a look at the detail that's gone into the wrapping, it was shameful to mess with the beauty of it all. But... lets face it folks, it is all about the chocolat de vietnam waiting to be disrobed and feasted upon... am I right? Oooh la la, sexy chocolat!
The thing that took my eye with this brand of chocolat was the way Marou promote the fact that it's made wholly from produce grown in Viet Nam, but even more pleasant is the fact that they promote the styles of chocolat produced from different provinces close to Sai Gon. The map below borrowed from the Marou web site shows that chocolat de vietnam is available from Dong Nai, (the first style I've tried), Baria, Tien Giang, Ben Tre and Lam Dong.
Bliss, I have four styles yet to try. Where did I buy it you ask? Well... I bought this block at Mekong Merchant in An Phu, but it seems to be available worldwide.