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September 16, 2010
chinese checkers is totally absorbing…

...even with one sandal for a seat

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September 16, 2010
betting small money…

...but making sure it’s held securely

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August 15, 2010
small alley…

...tiny pagoda The neighbour next door runs a small Chinese herb shop in the front of her house. She told us the old couple who lived in the pagoda died and it has not been open since.

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August 15, 2010
174/68 is small…

...but 174/68A is even smaller

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August 15, 2010
a secure work of art… the front door

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August 15, 2010
park to honour Thich Quang Duc

It seems they have been working for years to complete this park, but finally it looks as if it’s coming to completion. It is being built to honour Thich Quang Duc, the Buddhist monk who burned himself to death in protest on this intersection on June 10, 1963.

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August 9, 2010
local pagoda

It’s pleasant to stand near this gate and listen to the nuns chanting a mantra

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August 7, 2010
rubbish…’s something we need to get rid of and here there is a rubbish collection daily at 4.45 pm. Not like in Australia where the rubbish sits festering and becoming smelly as it waits for the once a week pickup. Our current rubbish guy is a real gem. Not only does he have his trolley […]

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August 6, 2010
fresh & hot ...

... and delivered to my door every morning What could be better than fresh crisp white bread delivered to your door every morning, still piping hot from the oven. I don’t think anything compares, it’s totally awesome. Every morning the deliverers of this breakfast treat ride their bicycles up and down each hem loudly chanting, […]

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August 3, 2010
lady of steel...

The form-work for house construction in Viet Nam is mainly shaped by hand, and often by ladies of steel like this one.

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August 3, 2010
more change

No matter where you are in and around Sai Gon it’s hard not to notice the Bitexo Financial Tower as it dominates the landscape. Construction is due to be complete later in 2010 of the 68 floors and 3 basement levels built to resemble a lotus, the symbol of Viet Nam. When complete over 10,000 […]

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August 3, 2010

The old terrace houses juxtaposed against the ugly (to my eyes anyway) new apartment block make a statement about the change taking place in Sai Gon.

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June 3, 2010
ever changing face of Sai Gon

The small hems (alleys) in this city are a never-ending source of fascination. If I get bored with working in my home office the thing to do is head off in some new direction and get lost among the thousands of alleys that criss-cross most residential city blocks. However, the rapidity with which the hems […]

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June 3, 2010
signs of sexism

At the risk of being branded sexist or sex-obsessed there are some signs around this city that just give me a good laugh. I simply can’t help relating the word play back to my aussie humour roots. For instance, there is the “box” series such as the well known… and the newer… and then, lo […]

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May 31, 2010
stairway to heaven??

This is the rear of an office block under construction in District 3. The assembly of 4 bamboo ladders tied together enables workers to render and paint the outside of the building. It’s very typical of the type of scaffolding provided for workers here. As they complete a section the ladders are moved horizontally along […]

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April 8, 2010
Re-cycle, don’t waste anything!

I came across a small re-cycling yard not far off the main street of Batu Ferringhi on Penang Island. It’s the first time I’ve seen toilet seats and lids being re-sprayed to extend their useful life. Things could get a bit sticky once the paint begins to peel.

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