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Portfolio for Digital Production Methods

Discussions ala Philosophy

Stoics added a vital ingredient to our understanding of selfhood.

What Heidegger Means by Being-in-the-World

How did the Copernican revolution contribute to the emergence of a scientific world-view?

A discussion in relation to the 'Discourse Ethics' of Jurgen Habermas

Modern society, according to Foucault, "put into operation an entire machinery for producing true discourses concerning sex"

What does Levinas consider to be the relative strengths (and weaknesses) of Phenomenology; and how does his own philosophical perspective differ from that of Husserl and Heidegger?

Cyber Discussions

A hyperessay on hypertext

Jaron Lanier stated that Artificial Intelligence just dumbs down humans, it does not make computers smarter. A discussion about whether AI research is a misguided direction for computer technology

Virtual reality, cybernetics and teledildonics in computer mediated communication.
(Or…. Will it possible to express our thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires through an electronic communication system?)

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